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SMP/MTS : .... Kelas/Semester : IX (Sembilan) /2 Standar Kompetensi :2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Kompetensi Dasar : 8.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk narrative dan recount Jenis teks : Narrative Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit 1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: a. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang dibacakan oleh guru b. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif,langkah retorika, dan ciri kebahasaan dari teks narrative c. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam bacaan Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )

2. Materi Pembelajaran a. Teks tentang narrative story b. Generic structure of narrative text 3. Metode Pembelajaran: three-phase technique 4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan A.Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi : Salam Checking students attendance Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa

B. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru: Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang materi Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan sumber belajar lain; Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan proses belajar di laboratorium, studio, atau lapangan. Elaborasi Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru: Membiasakan peserta didik membaca dan menulis yang beragam melalui tugas-tugas tertentu yang bermakna; Mengarahkan siswa untuk mendengar guru membacakan contoh narrative Guru memberikan tugas berdasarkan materi yang diberikan. Konfirmasi Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru: Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diketahui siswa Memberikan motivasi untuk siswa C. Kegiatan Penutup Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
Mereview materi yang baru saja dipelajari siswa Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa

5. Sumber belajar a. English in Focus untuk kelas 3 SMP b. Gambar-gambar/ buku-buku yang relevan 6. Penilaian a. Instrumen: Listen to your teacher and answer the questions!
THE FOX AND THE CROW A Crow (1) on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a Fox observed her and (2) his wits to work to discover some way of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the tree he (3) up and said, "What a noble bird I see above me! Her beauty is without equal, the hue of her plumage exquisite. If only her voice is as sweet as her looks are fair, she ought without doubt to be Queen of the Birds." The Crow was hugely flattered by this, and just to show the Fox that she (4) sing she gave a loud caw. Down came the cheese, of course, and the Fox, snatching it up, said, "You (5)a voice, madam, I see: what you want is wits.

THE LION AND THE MOUSE A Lion asleep in his lair was waked up by a Mouse running over his face. Losing his temper he seized it with his (6)and was about to kill it. The Mouse, terrified, piteously entreated him to spare its life. "Please let me go," it cried, "and one day I will repay you for your (7)." The idea of so insignificant a (8)ever being able to do anything for him amused the Lion so much that he laughed aloud, and good-humouredly let it go. But the Mouse's chance came, after all. One day the Lion got entangled in a net which had been spread for game by some hunters, and the Mouse heard and recognised his (9) of anger and ran to the spot. Without more ado it set to work to gnaw the ropes with its (10), and succeeded before long in setting the Lion free. "There!" said the Mouse, "you laughed at me when I promised I would repay you: but now you see, even a Mouse can help a Lion.

b. Pedoman Penilaian 1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 10 2. Jumlah skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10 3. Nilai maksimal = 100

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