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T im e :r lt *n n

Paper 1
tii,,j 0ll
of 40 questions'Answer all questions.Each ''.',
Instructio nszThis questionpaper cortsists questionchooseone on-cli''
is followed' by four o'f'"n'*u" A'.8' C an'd'D' For each
-1g "ioi''"t ed'
on-p, og,om mable scien'tific calutlator is allow

1 Round off30 106 correct to three significant

30 106 betul kepada tiga angl<'a
Biund.q,rl?an R
A 30 000 C 30 110
B 30 100 D 30 200

Express 1.205 X 10aas a single number'

(Jngh,apkan1.205x 7Oasebagaisatu nombor Diagram I
tunggal. Rajah I
A 7205
B 12 050 Find the value of r.
c 1 205 000 Cari nilai x.
D 12 050 000 A65 c80
870 D9 0
A 1.83 x 10-3 In Diagram 2, PQRW is a rhombus i rrlt
B 1.83 X 105 WVP ts a straight line'
c 7.74 x ro3 Dalam Rajah 2, PQRW ialah sebuah t-cn-""'
D 7.74 X L0-5 dqn VWP ialah garis luru's'
110010,- 11101,=
A 1o1io1, c 1oolo1'
B 11000r- D 101012

= 3420., find
the value of Y.
Diberi 3 x 53 + 4 x 52 + 51' 3420-,,cari 120",^
nilai y.
Ag C3
82D4 Diagram 2
Rajah 2
In Diagram l, MNP]RS?[/ is a regular
octagon and.TUWV is a straight line' Calculate the value of r + l'
Dcilim Rajah 1, MNP]RSTU ialah sebtt'q'h H i tungni l ai x+ )' .
olrtagon iehata' T\IVW ialah A 160 c 220
lurus. B 170 $ 230
Diagram 3 shows a circle, PFQ, centre O. Semua sisiempat itu diputa:rkan' 90" pada
EFG is a tangent to the circle at F. pusctl O.
Raj ah 3 menunjukkqn sebuahbulatan, PFQ, Antara ya ng beril<,ut,yan'g manaltah putaran
berpusat O. yang betul?
EFG ialah tangen lzepada bul'qtan ittt

Ihat arah jam
Lawan arah
Lqwan arah
Diagram 3 Lawan arah
Rajah 3

Find the value of r. 10 Diagram 5 shows two sqrrares,PQRS and

Cari nilai x. KLMN, drawn on square grids.
A32 c61 Rajah. 5 menun,juhlzan dua segiempat
848 D74 samo, PORS dan KLMN, dilukis pada grid
/g Diagram 4 shows four quadrilaterals, V7,
X, Y and Z, drawn on square grids.
Rajah 4 menuniuhkan empat sisiempat' W'
X, Y dan. Z, dilulzis pada grid segiernpat

s L a

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

PQ,RS is the image of KLMN under an

enlargement with centre O.
Diagram 4 Find the scale factor of the enlargement.
Raiah 4 PQRS ialah imej bagi KLMN di bawq'h
swatu pembesaran pada Pusat O.
Ati the quadrilateralq.are rotated 90" about Cari faktar skala pembesaran itu..
the centre O. :
Which of the following is the correct
A+ (f
rotation? B+ tr ) B
ll In Diagram 6, USn and VQ?S are straight The value of cos 0 is
lines. Nilai bagi hos 0 ialah
Dalam Rajah 6, USR VQTS ialah garis
A' -; 4
c --3
B -+ o
L3 Which of the following graphs represents
Antarayang berikut, yang manakah mewaleili
graf y = sin r bagi 0e < r < 18Oo?

Diagram 6
Rajah 6
It is given that ?S = 29 cm, P@ = 13 cm,
@ft = 16 cm and .ir =
"' #.
Find the value of tan yo.
Diberi bahawa TS = 29 cm, PQ = 18 cm,
@ft = 16 cm sin .ro - 9.
Cari nilai tan yo.
c *5
B5 D t2
--:- c
12 b

t2 In Diagram 7, O is the origin and JOI{is

a straight line on a Cartesian plane.
Dalam Rajah 7, O ialah asalan darv
JOK ial.ah garis lurus pada suatu satah

Diagram 7
Rajah 7
t 4 Diagram 8 shows a pyramid with its 16 Diagram 10 shows three points, p,
rectangle base @BS?. e and
R, on a horizontal plane.
Rajah 8 menunjukkon sebuah piramid,
dengan tapak segiempat tepat eRST. \ajah L0 menunjukkan tiga titik, p, e
dan R, yang terletak pad,a suqtu sq,tah

Diagram t0
Diagram g Rajah 10
Rajah 8
It is given that Q lies due north of p and
Vertex P is vertically above ?. the bearing of .R from @ is 02b".
Name the angle between the plane p?S Find the bearing of p from R.
and the plane PTQ. Diberi bahq,wa Q berada d,i utara p d,aru
Puncak P berada tegak di atas T. bearing R dari Q ialah 078".
Namakan sudut di antara satah pTS dengan Cari bearing P dari R.
satah PTQ. A 0490 c 22go
A LPQT C LSPQ B 1010 D 28L"
77 In Diagram 11, N is the North pole, S is
15 In Diagram g, PQ and fiS are two vertical the South Pole and NOS is the axis of the
poles on a horizontal plane. The height of earth.
.RS is twice the height of pe. The angle of Dalam Rajah 11, IJ iq,lah Kutub Utara, S
depression of P from vertex B is bB". ialoh Kutub Selatan dan UOS iolah naksi
Dalam Rajah 9, pQ d,on RS ialah bumi.
batang tiang tegak yang terletah,pada satu
perrnukaan mengufuk. Ttnggi RS ialah
kali tinggi PQ. Sudut p d,aripuncak
R ialah 53", 250


Diagram 9
Rajah 9
Diagram ll
Calculate the height, in m, of RS.
Rajah lt
Hitung tinggi, dalam m, bagi RS.
A 15.07 c 30.14 Find the position of point @.
B 26.54 D 53.08 Cari kedudukan titik Q.
A (38"N. 15" E)
c E)
(52' ry_,15_'^ A+ c+
iis" r, 1b"?) D+
B iir r, Gs"E) D ")
(52" fJ,'65"T)
iss" rr',6b" ?)
'I t ..
Equator -
18 P and Q are two points on the- 23 -:- can be wntten as
lies 3X:
and O is ttre centre of the earth' Q t'7
is 40" W
4"" *tt of P- The longitude of P =L t ot"h ditulis sebogai
3Jco t
a'rd LP)S= r25"'
' c 2 t r5
Find the longitud'e of Q' A ;r-5
i ai" Q talih d'ua titik vang terletah' 7
Khatulistiwa d'an O iatah pusat bumi' Q B *r' D
P ialah J
terletah ke timur P' Longitud bagi I
40" B dan LPOQ= 125"' x e-'f"'
24 SimPIifY (enl I'
Cari longitud basi Q'
A bb"E C 140'E Ringhasl<,an (esl-o;a x e-'f'.
bb" T 140" T A e'f cef
B gb'E D 165" E B e'f-" D ef-'
gb" ? t65" T
-5 ts
2b The solution for 4x+ 5 < 1
19 \2x-Y)'-x(x-Y)= 2x
A 3x2_ 3xY+Y2 PenYelesaianbagi 4x + 5 < 1 - ff
B 3x2-lxY+Y2
C af+xy-y2 7r C ) c< - T
A x< - Z
D 3f-\xY-Y2
6-2 D ) c< - n
l t6 B *..- t
20 Given that T = +"1+
, expressm in terms
shows the
of T and K. 26 Diagram 12 is a bar chart which
1|f r of handphones' The sales in August
m dalam sebutan ;i"t
Diberi f =*lryX,unghap are not shown'
T dan K. Rajah 72 ialah carta Palang Yang
T2 jualan telefohbimbit' Jualan
A m =g KTz c m--rK a
pad,a 6ulan Ogos tidak' ditunjulehan'

B m =BKT' D * =# Numberof handPhones

Bilangan telefonbim'bit

p-P+23 :--r^ r.-

21 Express T -T as a single fraction

in its simPlesbform'
P-3 P+2 ' -" satu
Unghapkan T - sebagai
pecahan tunggal d'alarn bentuh termudah'
-3-P-P2 ^ -3+P-P'
AT c--n -
- g- p- p2
B ---F- D
99. Given that =-l = 2x - 1, find the value 0@
Mav June JulY August Month
Jun Julai Ogos Bulan
of x-
+*-l Diagram 12
Diberi t; = 2x - 7, cari nilai x.
Raiah 12
The sales in August is 4O% of the total
sales during the four months, from May
to August.
How many handphones were sold in
Jualan padabulan Ogosiqlah 40% d.aripada
jumlah jualan seponjong empat bulan itu,
dari bulan Mei hinggo bulan Ogos.
Berapah,ah bilangan telefon bimbit 1,ang
dijual pada bulon Ogos?
A60 Diagram l3(ii)
872 Rajoh L}(ii)
D 740 Calculate the value of r.
Hitung nilai x.
27 Diagram 13(i) is a bar chart showing the t
A T2O c 200'
number of students from three schools.p. B 150 D 2IO
@ and -8, who participate in the ,,program
Latihan Khidmat Negara". 28 Mlhich of the following graphs represents
Diagram 13(ii) is a pie chart showing the y=-i+5?
number of these students, according to Antarq yang berikut, yang manakcr.h
gender. mewakiligrdfy=-x2+5?
Rajah 73(1) ialah carta palang yang A
menunjukkan bilangan mitrid dari tiga
buq.h sekoloh E Q dan R, yang menyertai
Program [,atihan Khidmat Negara.
Rajah 13(ii) iqlah carta pai yang
rnenunjukkan bilangan murid-murid ini,
mengikut jantina.
Number of students
Bilangan murid

( ///
100 n

40 772

P a R School
ffiflGlrls ffi Boys
ru Prrr,,,p,ro, W toioni

Diagram 13(i)
Rajah 13(i\
w List all the subsets of set X = {m, n}. SB Determine the y.intercept of the straiglrt
Senaraikan senl .ua subset bagi set line4r+2y+5=0.
y = {m, n}. Tentukan pintdsan-y bagi garis lurus
A {m} , {n} 4x+2Y+5=0.
B {n},{n\.{} 5 5
A 4
C {m} , {n} , {m, n} 2
D {m\,{n},{m,n},{} 5 5
2 4
30 Diagram 14 is a Venn diagram showing the
universal set, ( = {Form Five students}, set l4 A box contains 5 red marbles and 21 gleem
| = {Students who play badminton} and set rnarbles. Lim puts another 4 red marblcm
14 = {Students who play tennis}. and 1 green marble inside the box. A marbb
Rajah 14 ialah gannbar raiah Venn yang is chosen at random from the box.
menunjukkan setsen1.este,,f = {Murid-murid What is the probability that a red marhle
Tingkatan Lima), setL= {Murid-muridyang is chosen?
bermain badmintonj dan set 14 = {Murid" Sebuahkotak mengand.ungi5 biii euli mer&
murid yang bermain tenis\. d,an2I biji euli hij au. Lim mernasukkan 14fr
4 biji Suli rnerah dan I biii euli hiiau k
dalam kotak itu. Sebiji guli dipilih sec(ma
rawak daripada kotah itu.
Apakah kebaranghalian sebiji merffi
akan dipilih?'
31 26
Diagram 14 q

Raiah !4 Bt D*

Given n(€) = 60, n(L) = 25, n(M = 12 and 35 In a training session,Ann has many triah
n(L n M) = 8, find the'number of students to score a goal. The probability that Ann
who do not play the two games.
Diberi n(t) = 60, n(L) = 25, n(M = L2 dan scores a goal in a trial it .
n(L n Xl) = 8, cari bilangan murid yang In 60 trials chosen randomly, how ma4p
tidah berrnain d.uapermainan itu. times does Ann fail to score a goal?
A15 c3 1 Dalam satu sesi latihan, Ann mernbu&,
B23 D 52 beberapa percubaan meniaringkan gol*
Kebarangkalian Ann meniaringkan gN
3 1 Given the universal set, t = P U Q, set 9
P = {0, 1, 2} and set Q - {2, 3, 4, 5}, find nlan
the value of z(€). Dalam^. 6O- percubaan yang dipilih ,
Diberi set senlesta, t = P U Q, set seccna rawah, berapa kq.lihah Ann gogod
P = {0, L, 2\ dan set Q = {2, 3, 4, 5\, cari rnenjaringkan gol?
nilai bagi n(l). A11C33
A7 C 5 827D49
86 D4
36 Table 1 shows some vhlues of the variablem
3 2 The gradient of the straight line 3l + 2y = r and y.
5is Jadual l, menunjukkan beberapanilai bqd
Kecerunart bagi garis lurus 3x + 2y = 5 pembolehubahx dan y.
3 JC 2 n
A- 3 C
2 J 4 32
B-2 D Table 1
Jad.ual I
It is given that y varies directly as the cube Diberi baho.wa r = +4 ' apabila ! = 2 don
of r.
Calculate the value of n. z=8.
Diberi bahawa y berubah secaro langsung Hitung niloi z apabilat = *o d.anY = 6.
dengan huasa tiga x.
Hitung nilai n. A2 c32
A4 c1 6 B r.8 D72
B8 D30
g7 P varies inversely as the square root of
" (_i;)H)
M. Given thht the constant is ki find the
relation between P and M. A [3) c ffi ?on)
P beiubah secara songsang dengan punca
h,uasa duq. M. Diberi k ialah pemalar, cari
hubungan ontqra P dan M.
B g) DH_?)
A P=h,Mz 40 Find the value of m in the following matrix
B p= 4 equation:
Cari nilai m dalam persafiraan matriks
C P = kM
b ( z - g \_ z/o 1 \= ( ? -?\
D P = * ,.
twJ \+ 7l -\ a ml - \ -2 rl
.A 1 C 4
38 The relation between the variables r, y 83 D6
It is given that r = when ! = 2 and
z-= 8.
Calculate the value of z when a = fr and
Hubungan antara Pernbolehubah'
pembolehubahx, y d'an z talah x' I'

Paper 1
1B 28 3C 4D 5B
6C 7A 8B 9C 10D
11 D 12 B 13C 14 D 15D
16 C L7 C 188 19A 20 A
2t B 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 B
26 C 27 C 28 B 29 D 30C
31B 32 C 338 34 B 35C
36A 37 B 38B 39A 40 B

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