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Short Functional

Letter : adl pesan tertulis dgn berbagai isi dan
maksud yg dikirim kpd seseorang .
Berdasarkan isinya surat terbagi bbrp jenis :
Surat lamaran pekerjaan
Surat bisnis
Surat pribadi
Surat kaleng
Surat rekomendasi, dsb.
1. Sender’s address
PERSONAL LETTER ______________
Letter 2. Date
3.Recepient’s names and adress
4. Greeting
5. Content
6. Closing

7. Sender’s name and sign


8. Additional Information
Jaya Raya Junior High School
Komplek jayabaya
Jalan Bangunan Baru No. 10
11th December 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Rully
Jalan Anggrek 25

Dear Sir and Madam,

We are pleased to informed you that your son,

Ridwan, has been succesfully completed
The second year of junior high school. To end
this challenging academic year, we have made
a plan to hold a special event featuring
musical drama involving your son.
We request the honour of your
company in the event to witness the great
accomplishment throughout the year.
We are looking forward to welcoming

Yours Sincerely,
Hafiz Yunaz Aljazirah, MPd.
Greeting Cards
Kartu ucapan adalah selembar kartu
yang berisi ucapan dan gambar
sesuai dengan tema kartu
Misalnya tentang :
1. Kartu ucapan Perayaan
 Kartu ucapan ulang tahun
 Kartu ucapan pernikahan
2. Kartu ucapan hari besar
 Ucapan selamat tahun baru
 Selamat Idul Fitri
 Selamat Waisak
3. Kartu ucapan atas peristiwa I
istimewa dalam hidup
(Life Events )
 Selamat atas kelulusan
 Selamat atas pernikahan
 selamat atas pernikahan

4. Kartu ucapan simpati

 Ucapan semoga cepat sembuh
 Ucapan Bela sungkawa
5. Kartu ucapan perasaan pribadi
(Personal sentiments)

 Ucapan terima kasih

Ucapan permintaan maaf
Ucapan persahabatan
Post Card
1. Kartu pos mpy bentuk khas, brp 1
lbr kartu yg tdk yudilipat, pesan di
tulis di bag blkg, dibubuhi perangko
dan tdk dibungkus amplop.
2. Berisi pesan singkat.
3. Bahasa yg dipakai tdk formal
4. Alat komunikasi antar teman
5. Bentuk isi kartu pos = surat pribadi.
Dear Yulianti,
On my holiday, I went to Borobudur
temple. Borobudur is a Buddist temple. It
is located in magelang, central Java. It is a
wonderful building. It is made of large
rocks and consist of three levels. Each
level has stories that are engroved on the
I was amazed to see such a beautiful
temple. I hope you can visit it


Thank You For

Your Attention

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